Johnny-Jump-Up (Wild Pansy) Viola tricolor

Johnny-Jump-Up Violet (Wild Pansy) Viola tricolor. This soft stemmed plant is occasionally perennial, but in most zones is a self-seeding annual. An immigrant from the Mediterranean, this violet ranges in color from solid yellow to dark purple, the most common pattern being painted, purple lip with yellow stripes, the petals split between yellow and lavender. The elongated leaves, which have coarsely toothed margins, alternate along a squared, somewhat trailing stem.  The parent stock of commercial pansies, V tricolor produces viable seeds.  This wild stock bears 3/8” flowers on long stems, one at a time.  An uncommon visitor, this wild pansy escaped cultivation, and no occasionally blooms along forest margins, like Sunset Walk.  Not in books. 3/15/19-3/29/19; 20 no obs;

Viola; Johnny Jump up

Note; Johnny Jump Up, or Wild Pansy, single 3/8″ blue flowers with white stripes radiating from a yellow center, born in slow succession on long stems

Viola; Johnny Jump up single

Note; elongated, coarsely toothed leaves alternating along squared, slightly trailing stems

Viola; Johnny Jump up flower

Note; blue, 5 petal flowers born singly in slow succession.

note; buds forming within deep bracts at leaf nodes

Johnson Grass

Johnson Grass, Sorghum halepense;  a very tall, jointed grass, rising from a thick rhizome, which produces a long, open spike of small seeds that remotely look like rice grains.  The long, broad leaves are often red toward the tips, growing part way up the flower spikes.  The thick, pithy stems are strongly jointed at nodes that may be 10″ apart.  Johnson Grass grows quickly, and the rhizomes easily break off when uprooted, allowing the grass to spread underground.  The rhizomes are edible, but not filling.  Johnson grass is not viable as a commercial food, for although the heads are heavy, the grains are small and tightly wrapped in chaff like bracts, and the leaves are poor in grazing quality.  Most common along partly shaded forest margins, or intermittent drainages.  New heads may be purple, opening to white flowers, which then ripen into small seeds.  Most of the seeds are eaten by birds, especially doves.

Rice Grass seed close

Rice Grass habit; fast growing stem grass with long, broad leaves, which produces long flower spikes bearing loose panicles of seeds that look remotely by rice.

Rice grass leaves

Note; the tall, fast growing blades are often tipped in red

Rice grass flower head

Note; long jointed flower spikes produce loose panicles of small white flowers

Violet, Missouri Violet

Missouri Violet (Wood Violet) Viola missouriensis. The only violet native to the ILC, this herbaceous perennial sprouts a cluster of deeply notched, cordate (heart-shaped) to arrow-shaped leaves.  Each flower stem produces a single, short-lived flower composed of two upright, light blue sepals, two lower, deep violet-blue petals, and a central, modified petal called a lip that sports three or four darker purple streaks.  The petal is modified into a small opening leading to a short, rounded nectar tube, just large enough for insects to insert their tongues.  Flowers convert to thin seed capsules full of tiny, dust like seeds.  Blooming season lasts 2-3 weeks.  Locally it is found only in shaded areas along forested trails where there is deeper, moist soil, but occasionally in yards, where it tolerates mowing.  Only found in low areas of MK trace, CC, SWk (378) 3/15/15-4/7/15; 3/10/16-4/1/16; 2/22/17-4/5/17; 3/15/18-4/2/18;


Missouri Violet habit; clumps of lightly toothed, heart-shaped leaves with single blue and white flowers born on short stems.

Violet; Missouri violet leaf

Note; glossy, smooth, heart shaped leaves with a lightly toothed, rounded margins, born on slender stems 3-4”long

Violet; Missouri Violet flower close

Note; two upright, lavender petals, two darker purple petals that point down, a central, purple lip petal streaked with dark purple

Vervain, Wright’s Vervain

Wright’s Vervain Verbena wrightii. A low growing, sprawling perennial consisting of tough stems radiating outward from a central tap root.  Opposite leaves are divided into three deeply pinnate lobes, which are wider than those of V hasata, Blue Vervain.  Thick, bushy, terminal spikes form a cone-shaped, tight cluster, or head, of light lavender-blue tube flowers.  Many flowers are open at the same time, creating a ring of lavender around the head, with green, unopened buds at the top.  The tubes are completely concealed in bracts, opening up to a corolla of 5 cleft petals, the bottom ‘lip’ petal being longer, and more deeply cleft.  This vervain prefers full sun, so is not found in shaded or forested areas, but is common everywhere else, specifically prairies, mowed areas, and west facing forest margins, where it forms dense clumps of bright blue flowers.  A favorite of butterflies and bees, Wright’s Vervain blooms early, goes dormant during summer heat, and resumes blooming in cooler fall weather.  PDU, CC (372) 4/2/15 – ; 3/10/16; 3/12/17- ; 3/22/18; 3/23/19; 3/25/20

Vervain; Wrights vervain habit

Wrights Vervain habit; dense clumps of sprawling stems radiating out from a central root bearing dense heads of bright lavender blue flowers

Vervain; Wright's vervain (2)

Note; deeply pinnate, three lobed, narrow leaves are arranged in opposite pairs along smooth stems

Vervain; Wright's vervain flower (2) - Copy

Note; terminal spikes form thick flower heads of bracts from which the lavender blue tube flowers emerge.

Note; tube flowers open to a corolla of 5 petals, the lip petal being longer, and cleft into two lobes


Veronica; Birdseye Speedwell

Veronica; Birdseye Speedwell Veronica persica. This branched, creeping, lawn plant is characterized by soft stems with opposite, heart-shaped, fuzzy, clasping leaves, with lobed edges. The blue and white flowers, each with four petals, are 3/16” across, and are born singly from leaf axils.  Three petals are light blue and rounded, with heavy dark blue veining clustered around a white center.  The fourth petal is a light blue and elongated, like a lip.  Two hooked anthers arc over the central, spike-like pistol. Common in lawns and road margins, preferring shade, and intolerant of hotter weather. [Not in book] (354 related) 3/12/15-4/28/15 Rain and cool weather prolonged 5/20/15; 2/14/16-6/1/16; 2/23/17-4/?; 3/5/18; 2/8/19 – ; 2/8/20 – 5/29/20;

Veronica leaves

Veronica Speedwell habit; cool season, shade loving ground cover and lawn plant with rounded, clasping leaves bearing single, bright blue and white flowers.

Note; opposite pairs of rounded leaves clasp the creeping, soft stalks

Note; blue flowers with white centers are born singly from leaf axils

Veronica habit

Note; low growing habit as an early season ground cover, common on lawns and margins

Veronica close

Note; rounded, lobed, opposite leaves with no petiole.

Note; three bright blue petals, one light blue to white petal.

Note; 4 white stamen arc over the central  spike-like pistol

Thistle, Texas Thistle

Texas Thistle Cirsium texanum.  A lanky thistle with long, ribbed, pithy stems, and dusty green, deeply pinnate leaves lined with only 4-5 spines per side of leaf.  This is the most common thistle on the ILC.  Rising from one pithy tap root, the main stem soon branches into multiple stems which are slightly grooved, but lack spines, like Nodding Thistle (C nutans).  Branching does not follow a symmetric pattern, and each long (6-10”) flower stalk bears only one elongated, slightly tapering flower-head, lined with prickly scales.    The lavender to rose-purple, hair-like petals are longer than Bull Thistle.  Not as robust or squat as Bull Thistle, Texas Thistle has shorter spines, does not have as sharp or thick of spines on stems, has much longer flower stalks, lacks spines on flower stalks, is a lighter lavender color, has longer hair-like petals, and has longer, more tapered buds.  However, it is only slightly less noxious.  (332) 4/28/15; 5/1/16, 4/17/17- ; 5/4/18; 4/28/19; 4/25/20

Thistle; Texas Thistle flower

Texas Thistle habit; a lanky, readily branching annual with alternating, pinnate leaves bearing multiple, smooth flower stems, each capped with a single, lavender head of thread like petals on a tapering, scaly bud.

Note; lavender to rose globe flowers have longer filaments than Bull Thistle or Nodding Thistle

Note; prickly scales lining the elongated buds

Thistle; Texas thistle leaf & stem

Note; thin, pinnate leaves with only a few, short spines on each leaf are arranged in an alternating spiral around slightly grooved flower stems

Note; flower stems are smooth, lacking spines, like those of Nodding or Bull Thistle

Spiny Sow Thistle

Spiny Sow Thistle Sonchus asper. An early (April) blooming annual, Sow Thistles begin as rosettes of deeply cut, thistle like leaves which look spiny, but are soft and harmless.  Leaves bleed a slightly bitter, but harmless milky sap when cut. The pinnate, clasping leaves, which have deep, rounded sinuses, are arranged in an alternating spiral around smooth, hollow stems.  The rosette of leaves stays low as long as the weather is cold, but quickly grows up when it warms, culminating in a compact clump of small, short lived, green buds, invariably coated with a white powder.  Stems can be trampled down, but continue to grow, arching back up and producing flowers.  Yellow ray flowers emerge from the tapering buds.  If cut back, the hollow stem quickly sends out new stalks.  The ray petals are squared at the ends, surrounding a yellow disk flower fuzzy with yellow anthers.  Flowers transform into coarse blow-balls of wind- blown achenes, and the plants wither soon after the plant goes to seed.  Common along partially shaded paths.  (222) 3/25/15-5/20/15; 3/10/16; 2/25/17- ; 2/8/19 – ; 20 not recrd;


Spiny Sow Thistle; A soft plant with hollow stems and leaves which look spiny but are soft and harmless, bearing compact bunches of tapering buds that open to yellow ray flowers.

Thistle; Spiny sow thistle head

Note; pinnate, thistle like leaves with deep, rounded sinuses, look spiny but are soft and harmless

Note; leaves clasp the otherwise smooth, hollow stems

Note; plants end in a tight bunch of tapering buds, invariably coated with a grey powder


Note; flowers convert to blowball achenes

Note; tapering buds


Texas Yellow Star

Texas Yellow Star Lindheimera texana. A soft stemmed, fuzzy, if not bristly annual of medium height, the Yellow Star has opposite pairs of soft, clasping, fuzzy, light grey-green lanceolate leaves with smooth margins.  The single stems do not clump, and only weakly branch, going dormant by the time summer turns hot.  The 1” to 1.5” yellow-orange flowers are born in a loose, branching spray, opening one at a time, as a slightly bell-shaped 5 pointed, yellow “star” framed by 5 thick sepals.  Each petal is veined linearly, with a noticeable notch in the end.  Soft seed capsules split, spilling tiny brown-black seeds.  Preferring partial shade, it is found along forest margins of CC, PDU. (202) 4/2/15 – ; 3/15/16; 3/22/17- ; 4/22/18; 3/20/19; 3/25/20

Texas yellow star

Texas Yellow Star habit; a medium height, fuzzy, weakly branching plant with opposite, clasping leaves and terminal clusters of yellow, 5 petal flowers

Texas yellow star flower

Note; clasping, fuzzy, lanceolate leaves with smooth margins arranged in opposite pairs

Texas yellow star seed head

Note; seed capsules full of tiny black seeds.

Texas Plume

Texas Plume (Standing Cedar) Ipomopsis rubra.  A biannual, the first year is spent as a low rosette of lacy, deeply cut compound pinnate, thread-like leaves.  The second year the tall (3-4’), pithy stem grows up out of the rosette, lined with increasingly smaller leaves, producing a spike like panicle of tubular, trumpet shaped, bright orange-red flowers with darker orange spots.  Unexpectedly, the 1” long by ½” wide flowers begin blooming from top down, small side branches producing dense clusters of orange flowers, .  Filamentous anthers and an even longer pistol protrude beyond the lip of the central nectar tube, which splits into five petals.  Seed capsules are tucked in the thread-like leaves, turning tan as they mature.  Plants grow readily from seed, especially in garden soil.  SWk. (312) 5/6/15-; 4/29/16-7/1/16; 4/22/17- ; 5/3/18; 5-6-19; 5/1/20

Texas plume

Texas Plume habit; a tall, pithy stalk lined with lacy, pinnate, thread like leaves culminating in a spike of bright orange red flowers, which begin opening from the top

Texas plume leaf

Note; thread like, deeply cut, compound pinnate leaves arranged in a rotating spiral around the tall pithy stalk

Texas plume flower close

Note; bright, orange-red, trumpet flowers opening up to a 5 petal corolla, with red specks on the petals.

Note; the 5 basal stamen, tipped with white anthers and a split pistol, originating within the nectar tube, protrude beyond the flower corolla.

Texas plume seeds

Note; seed capsules embedded in lacy leaves turn tan when mature

Lettuce, Telegraph Lettuce

Telegraph Lettuce Lactuca floridana. A medium height (2-3’), hollow stalk with alternating, deeply lobed leaves with serrated edges.  Leaves look much like Prickly Lettuce, except they do not clasp the stem, lack thorns, and are much softer, and the plant blooms much later.  A multi-branched, terminal panicle, that becomes slightly tangled, has many small, aster like white flowers which open fully, converting to small blowballs.  Young leaves can be eaten like lettuce, before they turn bitter.  Found in shaded areas, along trails in forested areas or forest margins.  Disturbed areas, roadsides, MK, CC, CA. (106) 9/15/15; 9/18/16- ; 9/10/17- ; 9/15/18; 19 no recrd;

Lettuce; Telegraph Lettuce; white flower

Telegraph Lettuce habit; A medium height to tall plant with hollow stems and deeply cut, alternating leaves, sporting a terminal spike of small white flower.

Note; short lived, small, white, aster like flowers, open from tapering buds

Lettuce; Telegraph Lettuce; leaves

Note; large, soft leaves with deep sinuses arranged in an alternating spiral around the hollow stems